UNICEF Program Evaluations

Client: UNICEF

Duration: 2023-2025

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Global Health Education

DAI has been contracted to provide evaluation services for UNICEF under a long-term framework that acts as the primary mechanism for UNICEF’s regional and country offices to conduct evaluations. The evaluations inform regional and global policies, program components, cross-cutting issues, and implementation modalities with a view to supporting learning, policy advocacy, and accountability.

Global in scope, the framework covers sectors including education and learning, health, nutrition, social policy and social protection, and WASH, in addition to crosscutting programming areas, change strategies, and organizational enablers.

DAI’s consortium partners are the University of Portsmouth, Climate Sense, Tandem Development, Consilient, and the National Foundation for Educational Research.

The framework is managed by DAI’s U.K.-based Evidence, Learning, Technical Assistance Facility team, which has experience in managing similar framework services, including the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office GEMFA Framework and for UNICEF’s Alignment, Monitoring, Results Unit.




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