Client: U.S. Agency for International Development
Duration: 2001-2006
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Country: Serbia
Solutions: Governance
The fall of Milosevic opened new possibilities for a Serbia long isolated from democratic states in the region and the wider international community. However, the departure of Milosevic did not signal the complete transformation of the system of governance. The goal of the Serbia Local Government Reform Program (SLGRP) was to promote more effective, accountable, transparent, and citizen-responsive local government. The program provided training and technical assistance in seven substantive areas and through the provision of limited information technology material support. The program worked in the areas of financial management, communal enterprises (i.e., public utilities), public procurement, citizen participation, policy reform, association development, and information technology. SLGRP worked with 84 cities and municipalities (out of 145) and in its final year was focused on working exclusively with the City of Belgrade and 12 of its constituent municipalities. On the national level, the project supported the institutional development of the Serbian municipal association and government efforts to decentralize republic-level authorities to the local level.
This project supports the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine to reform its external audit of budgetary funds in line with the government’s public financial management strategy and action plan.
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