Client: U.S. Agency for International Development
Duration: 2000-2007
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Country: Haiti
Solutions: Economic Growth
A shortage of land drives many farmers to till on Haiti’s hillsides. But to be sustainable, hillside farming requires suitable crops and special techniques. DAI staff worked with hillside farmers to build this understanding. HAP’s market-based approach treated the hillside farm as a business, enhancing productivity through improvements in resource management, agricultural production, post-harvest technologies, and marketing systems. Target crops included mango, coffee, and cacao, along with several field crops intended for local and ethnic export markets.
The EuropeAid project Technical Assistance for the ARISE+ Programme aims to provide technical assistance to the Vietnamese Government to maximise Vietnam’s benefits from preferential trade regimes, with a focus on regional agreements and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and Investment Protection Agreement.
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