From the burgeoning population centers of Java to the small island communities of Maluku, the Indonesian people face increasing risk from droughts, floods, and landslides. To support the government of Indonesia in improving local resilience to these climate and disaster threats, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK), or Climate Change Adaption and Resilience, USAID’s first project focusing exclusively on climate change adaptation in Indonesia.
APIK integrated climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DDR) into national and subnational governance frameworks, built the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related hazards, and supported information for climate and disaster risk management. By its end, APIK helped 42,197 people, including 16,246 women, be more resilient to the effects of climate and weather disasters.
Sample Activities
Build local leadership and capacity through working groups that address climate and disaster risk in the context of their own development objectives.
Leverage resources and expertise from local partners who serve as conveners, investors, information aggregators, and thought leaders.
Tailor climate information tools and services for those on the frontlines of climate adaptation and disaster response, including through the application of open-source, user-centric monitoring technologies introduced by the DAI Maker Lab.
Target support to those most susceptible, such as urban slum inhabitants living at the rising water’s edge.
Select Results
Improved integration of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction into national and subnational governance frameworks. APIK helped usher more than 150 laws, policies, regulations, or standards addressing climate change adaptation formally proposed, adopted, or implemented; 174 institutions improved capacity to assess or address climate change risks.
Strengthened capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change weather-related natural hazards. More than 22,000 people trained in climate change adaptation or disaster risk reduction and water resource management, with 5,500-plus demonstrating increased capacity; more than $3.7 million investment mobilized for climate change or disaster risk reduction as supported by APIK.
Improved utilization of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders. More than 42,000 people supported to adapt to the effects of climate change or be more resilient to natural disasters, including 16,246 women); 6,130 people using climate information or implementing risk-reducing actions to improve resilience to climate change.
Supported increased local administrations’ allocations toward climate resilience. Leveraging national government resources, local administrations are investing in coastal protection activities (seawalls and mangrove reforestation), flood early warning systems; improved mapping and use of drone technology, and training and disaster simulations.
Promoted climate resilience as a national priority. The Indonesian Government National Mid-Term Development Plan (2020-2024) allocates $3 billion over five years for climate resilience work in agriculture, water, coastal, and health.
The Centre for Disaster Protection focuses on managing risks relating to disasters, helping countries move from reaction to readiness and plan better for future disasters.