
Improved management of natural resources and important ecosystem services not only supports economic growth and strengthens resilience to climate change but also can provide the foundation for sustainable development.


Our work in renewable, locally available energy and energy-efficiency technology supports energy security, economic growth, environmental protection, and improved governance.

With a focus on expanding cleaner energy access for the 2.4 billion people who rely on traditional biomass and expensive fuels, DAI supports governments at the national and regional levels in their design of energy, trade, and tax policies to build an environment to attract investment for wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, biomass, and efficient fossil-based energy for both grid and off-grid distributed electricity.

We manage energy finance facilities and work to increase the capability of financial institutions to lend to the energy sector. We also work with entrepreneurs to help them learn how to install solar systems and run renewable energy businesses. In agriculture and fishing, our work allows local communities to retain more of the value of their crops through processing and refrigeration. Our work decreases pressure on forests and allows hydropower work to be done in a manner that benefits communities and protects the environment.

Our Experts

Nadya Boneva is an engineer and expert in environmental monitoring control and health. She has more than 25 years of experience designing and implementing projects for donors, international organizations, government, and the nongovernmental sector.

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Kevin Carlucci is a development professional with more than 20 years of experience across a diverse set of disciplines, including finance, natural resource management, economic policy reform, and emerging market economic development.

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Jeanne Ellis has more than 20 years of experience in designing, implementing, and overseeing development programs for the U.S. Agency for International Development, Australian Aid, the World Bank, and mining and energy companies.

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Jette Findsen has experience working internationally and domestically on issues of climate change, natural resources management, clean energy, and climate finance.

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Ella Hoxha is a senior development professional with more than 20 years of experience managing large-scale donor-funded projects.

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Hélène Kirémidjian has 15 years of professional experience in analysis, design, and implementation of economic growth projects focusing on value chain development and business-enabling environment reform.

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Jonathan Randall has more than 22 years of international experience managing teams and providing expertise at the intersection of sustainable development, climate change, and natural resources for organizations, such as the U.S. Agency for International Development, Millennium Challenge Corporation, World Bank, and World Wildlife Fund.

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Jennifer Solakian supports DAI’s Water and Energy team as Lead Specialist providing technical support to advance technical innovation and learning across DAI’s portfolio of ongoing contracts and new business development efforts.

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For the last 20 years, Walter Weaver has focused his broad interests in development on environment projects in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and parts of Africa.

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Our Projects

Malawi—Technical Assistance to the Energy Program (Wala Malawi)

Wala Malawi supports the industrialization and diversification of the Malawian electricity sector by implementing reforms and promoting private-sector investments.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina—Technical Assistance in the Energy Sector (EU4Energy)

The EU4Energy project aims to support Bosnia and Herzegovina in reforming its energy sector in alignment with the European Union energy acquis.

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Worldwide—Advancing Capacity for the Environment (ACE)

The Advancing Capacity for the Environment (ACE) program facilitates the U.S. Agency for International Development’s work to fight climate change, conserve biodiversity and manage natural resources, improve land governance, and expand access to secure, modern energy and resilient infrastructure.

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Egypt—Business Egypt

Business Egypt is building a robust ecosystem of market-led institutions—incubators, accelerators, business service providers, financial institutions, youth and women’s networks, business associations, public-private forums, one-stop shops—working in harmony to create long-term jobs and a more-resilient private sector.

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Worldwide—EU Global Support Facility for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

The Global NDC Support Facility contributes to the acceleration of the transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient, and resilient economies in line with the EU Green Deal, Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Morocco—Green Economy Financing Facility II (GEFF Morocco II)

The Green Economy Financing Facility Morocco II provides financing in the form of senior unsecured loans to participating financial institutions, including banks, microfinance, and leasing companies.

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Lebanon—Water, Sanitation, and Conservation (WSC) Project

WSC is increasing the volumes of wastewater treated, reducing the pollution and water losses that harm water sources, improving service delivery to citizens, and facilitating partnerships between public water utilities, municipalities, the private sector, civil society organizations, and citizen groups in Lebanon.

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Türkiye—Technical Assistance for Establishment of Boosting Effective and Sustainable Transformation for Energy (BEST for Energy)

BEST for Energy increased Türkiye’s use of alternative energy sources, including renewable sources. The project also supported the country’s renewable energy industry and services to become more internationally competitive.

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Lebanon—Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) Activity

The Trade and Investment Facilitation Activity works to boost the exports of Lebanese goods and services, facilitate investment in Lebanese enterprises, and improve the business and investment enabling environment in Lebanon.

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Dominican Republic—Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis of Coastal Zones

DAI and local partner Fundacion Plenitud developed a state-of-the-art assessment of the vulnerability and potential impacts of climate change on the coastal systems of the Dominican Republic.

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Vietnam—Urban Energy Security (VUES)

The Vietnam Urban Energy Security project promotes the deployment in urban centers of 400 megawatts worth of advanced distributed energy technologies, ranging from solar panels and storage batteries to energy-efficient vehicles.

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Mexico—Clean Energy Programme (MCEP)

DAI implemented the Mexico Clean Energy Programme, which developed the skills of small and medium enterprises and government institutions to support Mexico’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

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Nepal—Renewable Energy Programme (NREP)

Along with key partner Winrock International, DAI is building the capacity of the Government of Nepal to lead and manage the National Small-Scale Renewable Energy Framework—an overarching vision for the off-grid electricity and clean cooking sector.

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Bhutan—EU Technical Assistance Complementary Support Project (EU-TACS)

This project supported the implementation of the European Union (EU)-bilateral development cooperation strategy in Bhutan, with particular focus on the two ongoing EU budget support programs: 1) Rural Development and Climate Change, and 2) Local Governance and Fiscal Decentralization.

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Morocco—Green Value Chains (Morocco GVC)

The Morocco Green Value Chains project combines small firm competitiveness concepts with the green economy.

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Türkiye—Developing an Analytical Basis for Formulating Strategies and Actions Towards Low Carbon Development

The Developing an Analytical Basis for Formulating Strategies and Actions Towards Low Carbon Development programme worked to reduce manmade greenhouse gas emissions by increasing Türkiye’s national and local capacity to prepare for medium and long-term action toward climate-resilient low-carbon development.

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Egypt—Technical and Financial Sustainability of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Sectors

DAI created the Cairo Energy Efficiency Centre to promote the use of renewable energy and spread awareness of energy saving. The team also supported reforms in the energy sector by assisting Egypt to achieve sustainable energy and security of energy supplies.

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Iraq—Governance and Performance Accountability (IGPA)/Takamul

The Iraq Governance and Performance Accountability (IGPA)/Takamul project supports the Iraqi Government to shore up fiscal stability while rapidly and visibly improving service delivery.

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Africa–Off-Grid Energy Access Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa

DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was sub-contracted by Development Seed to support this project by providing guidance and expertise on energy demand and access in Sub-Saharan Africa, along with support for data needs.

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Poland—Residential Energy Efficiency Financing Facility (Poland REFF)

Poland REFF created a program of targeted loans to incentivize borrowing for household improvements that increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

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Serbia—Preparation of Second Energy Efficiency Action Plan and Development of Energy Indicators

The Preparation of Second Energy Efficiency Action Plan and Development of Energy Indicators project assisted the Serbian Ministry of Energy, Development, and Environment by creating an action plan and building capacities to advance energy-saving and energy-efficiency measures that will help reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

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Morocco—Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (MorSEFF)

Like with its successful PolSEFF and WebSEFF projects in Poland and the Western Balkans, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in cooperation with in cooperation with the French Agency for Development, European Investment Bank, and KfW Development Bank, extended credit lines to local partner financial institutions in Morocco that then on-lent to their clients.

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Jordan—Competitiveness Program (JCP)

JCP stimulated about $70 million in new Jordanian exports, facilitated more than $100 million in investment opportunities, contributed to the creation of nearly 1,000 jobs, and assisted in securing new or better work opportunities for nearly 30,000 individuals.

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European Neighbourhood Policy East Countries—Clima East: Support to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

The Clima East programme helped integrate the countries’ climate change strategies, greenhouse gases mitigation plans, and adaptation approaches. The programme was part of a larger Clima East package, supporting the development of ecosystems-based approaches to climate change.

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Somalia—Partnership for Economic Growth

The USAID Partnership for Economic Growth program worked with local authorities and private sector groups to improve the enabling environment for investment and generate more productive employment and incomes.

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Kenya—Financial Inclusion for Rural Microenterprises (FIRM)

Kenya FIRM built the capacity of the commercial sector to deliver customized financial products and services for entrepreneurs and busi­nesses—primarily in rural areas.

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Mozambique—Supporting the Policy Environment for Economic Development (SPEED, SPEED+, III)

The Supporting the Policy Environment for Economic Development+ program helped create a favorable business environment in Mozambique to attract investment and expand markets, contributing to inclusive economic growth and the conservation of natural resources.

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Poland—Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (PolSEFF I & II)

We created a perpetual market for investments in efficient energy by Poland’s local businesses by training financial institutions on how to appraise and finance sensible energy projects; detailing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the competitive advantages of investing in energy-efficient materials and equipment; and training local experts to assist SMEs in identifying and preparing technically feasible, bankable projects.

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DAI History: 40 Years of Excellence

DAI was founded in 1970 by three graduates of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government intent on providing a more dynamic and effective brand of development assistance. See how DAI is turning this American success story, into a global one.

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