Economic Growth

Driving trade, technology, agriculture, business, and financial services to create jobs, reduce poverty, and enhance food security.

Finance and Investment

Since 1985, DAI has been a leader in expanding financial inclusion, medium, small, and microenterprise finance, and mobilizing capital for development priorities around the world. Our proven track record extends across several clients—including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Financial Corporation, the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, World Bank, European Investment Bank, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and the U.S. Agency for International Development—for whom we have led some of the most innovative financial services, finance, and investment programs.

DAI has supported the transformation and privatization of two major banks; built the capacity of and designed tools and systems for financial institutions; partnered with mobile network operators and fintechs to expand digital finance; promoted the expansion of savings groups to marginalized populations; facilitated investment for growing businesses; worked with central banks, capital markets and insurance authorities for improved financial sector and markets policy, regulation and supervision; help design and build financial market infrastructure for payments and securities issuance and trading; and championed initiatives in knowledge management and advocacy.

Our financial services work typically complements DAI’s capacity in trade, competitiveness, livelihoods, and value chain development in sectors with potential for enhanced sales, job generation, and engagement of small producers and enterprises. Our work enables micro and small enterprises to address managerial, planning, marketing, and other limitations that constrain their ability to raise and absorb capital.

Our Experts

As a Senior Lead Specialist with the Finance, Investment, and Trade team, Eric Adams supports finance and investment activities related to business development, project implementation, and competitive positioning.

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Amanda Bartels provides technical support and thought partnership to existing projects, and supports DAI’s competitive positioning and business development efforts, with a focus on employing blended finance approaches to unlock development impact.

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Nora Brown is an international development professional with 19 years of experience designing, implementing, and managing innovation projects for a variety of clients including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and International Finance Corporation (IFC).

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Till Bruett has 30 years of experience in the financial sector including commercial banking, small firm microfinance, digital finance and solutions, and financial sector policy.

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Manuel Bueno is a Senior Lead for Climate Finance in the Finance, Investment, and Trade Practice. He is responsible for DAI’s climate finance activities, including business development, technical advisory, and thought leadership.

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Noemi Danao-Schroeder first worked internationally as a summer volunteer for a rural vaccination campaign in Paraguay. Today, she is a Vice President, responsible for the company’s portfolio of U.S. government-funded projects.

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Alberto Didoni has more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector including commercial banking, microfinance, and finance for small firms. He joined DAI in 2022 as a Senior Global Practice Specialist for Finance and Investment.

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Since joining DAI in 2000, Colleen Green has served as a microfinance specialist providing short-term support to bank downscaling and other programs to benefit micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

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Nasser Lama started his career in Silicon Valley, where he spent the first 19 years working for public, private, and startup companies in the high-tech industry.

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James Naughton is Head of Development Finance and Investment based in our DAI UK office and provides expertise in facilitating and promoting investment globally through blended finance and private investment.

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Jessica Olivan is a senior development professional with 20 years of experience as an investment advisor, project director, and CEO specializing in financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, investment, fintech, inclusive businesses, women’s economic empowerment, and gender equality.

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With more than 20 years of international management experience, Robin Padberg has a blend of private sector and development expertise.

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Bhairav Raja is a Trade Advisor on the USAID Africa Trade and Investment Activity. He works in the team’s cross-continental trade services.

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Divij Ruparelia has more than 17 years of investment and finance experience, with a special focus on raising capital, direct investing, and building large ventures across emerging markets.

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Kongkona Sarma is an economist with 20 years of experience working primarily in areas of investment facilitation, business environment reform, and monitoring and evaluation.

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Robin Young leads dynamic projects designed to crowd in new market actors to accelerate finance.

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Our Projects

El Salvador—Investment Promotion Project (ESIPP)

The El Salvador Investment Promotion Project is a five-year USAID initiative to increase investment and access to finance in El Salvador.

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Nepal—Udaya: Investment and Innovation for Economic Development

Udaya leverages innovative financing mechanisms to improve access by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to growth capital and business development services in Koshi Province, Nepal.

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Southern Africa—USAID Mobilizing Investment Project

The USAID Southern Africa Mobilizing Investment Project is a five-year initiative to promote inclusive economic growth and self-reliance in the region.

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Colombia—Equitable Finance Activity

The Colombia Equitable Finance Activity (EFA) partners with underserved populations, the financial services sector, and the Government of Colombia to address the demand, supply, and enabling environment constraints that limit access to formal financial services for rural and conflict-affected Colombians.

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Ukraine—Investment for Business Resilience Activity

The Investment for Business Resilience Activity in Ukraine focuses on getting needed finance in the hands of businesses to rebuild and grow.

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Africa—USAID Africa Trade and Investment activity

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Africa Trade and Investment activity bolsters the Agency’s ability to boost trade and investment to, from, and within the African continent.

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Regional—Financial Services Group (FSG Plus)

FSG Plus supports BII in addressing two pressing priorities—i) inclusion and ii) climate change and environmental sustainability—by catalyzing sustainable practice change in financial institutions.

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Morocco—Green Economy Financing Facility II (GEFF Morocco II)

The Green Economy Financing Facility Morocco II provides financing in the form of senior unsecured loans to participating financial institutions, including banks, microfinance, and leasing companies.

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Burma—Responsible Investment and Trade Activity

The Burma Responsible Investment and Trade Activity, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), works with a broad range of international and domestic private sector firms and civil society actors to promote civilian ownership of the Myanmar economy by increasing the share held by responsible, accountable, and transparent firms.

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Lebanon—Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) Activity

The Trade and Investment Facilitation Activity works to boost the exports of Lebanese goods and services, facilitate investment in Lebanese enterprises, and improve the business and investment enabling environment in Lebanon.

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Worldwide—Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships (MSP)

The Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships activity (MSP) helps the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) advance learning and good practice in integrating private sector engagement across all activities, while at the same time deepening market systems development across the Feed the Future program cycle.

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Worldwide—Digital Frontiers

Digital Frontiers supports the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Center for Digital Development in identifying the most successful digital solutions and scaling their impact globally.

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INVEST was a flexible, efficient buy-in mechanism that helped the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) mobilize private capital for development results.

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Worldwide—Trade, Private Sector Development, and Engagement (TPSD/E) Facility, I and II

The Trade, Private Sector Development, and Engagement Facility helps shape and implement new policies related to Aid for Trade and regional integration programmes.

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Mozambique—Supporting the Policy Environment for Economic Development (SPEED, SPEED+, III)

The Supporting the Policy Environment for Economic Development+ program helped create a favorable business environment in Mozambique to attract investment and expand markets, contributing to inclusive economic growth and the conservation of natural resources.

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Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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