James Naughton is Head of Development Finance and Investment based in our DAI UK office and provides expertise in facilitating and promoting investment globally through blended finance and private investment. He has over a decade of experience providing direct consulting and recommendations to banks, the private sector, and governments to develop economies and encourage investment, with significant time spent working in fragile and conflict states building capacity.

In his work, James has led multi-factor feasibility assessments of infrastructure investment opportunities including technical, financial, and operational feasibility, conducted financial due diligence, assessment of policy and regulation constraints, assessment of business models, and facilitated investments working with investors and partner firms to execute deals. With a strong focus on Africa, James has facilitated transactions with East and Southern African firms looking to enter or grow their international markets.

As Investment Promotion Manager on the Promoting Inclusive Markets in Somalia (PIMS) project, James sourced, developed, and managed a pipeline of blended finance and deal facilitation investment opportunities, leveraging more than £13 million through engagement. Previously, James managed a fund for the World Bank focused on delivering impact investment to small firms to achieve job creation and catalyze wider sector growth.



Alberto Didoni

Alberto Didoni has more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector including commercial banking, microfinance, and finance for small firms. He joined DAI in 2022 as a Senior Global Practice Specialist for Finance and Investment.

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