Economic Growth

Driving trade, technology, agriculture, business, and financial services to create jobs, reduce poverty, and enhance food security.


We work with countries and businesses to increase trade in local, regional, and international markets. Whether facilitating accession to the World Trade Organization, assisting in regional trade negotiations, advising and implementing policy reforms, expanding market access, promoting trade, or helping clients meet the requirements to enter markets, our economic growth specialists have worked with policy makers and enterprises to provide them with the needed analysis, skills, and implementation support.

Our global footprint enhances our ability to make global market linkages and our expertise in public-private collaboration provides the foundation on which we have helped a wide range of sectors and businesses—including small women-owned businesses—to access world markets and large suppliers. Expertise in development and corporate social responsibility allows us to bridge the corporate and development worlds and ensure that the benefits of trade accrue at all levels.

Our Experts

Rashad Bibars is a senior development leader with more than 18 years of experience in designing and managing complex economic growth and private sector programs in Afghanistan, Jordan, and the Middle East in areas related to micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) and workforce development.

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Till Bruett has 30 years of experience in the financial sector including commercial banking, small firm microfinance, digital finance and solutions, and financial sector policy.

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Brianna Cole is a Global Practice Specialist in DAI’s Private Sector Development and Skills practice.

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Gareth Davies is the Chief of Party for the Jordan Public Financial Management and Administration and an 11-time Chief of Party managing projects focused on complex economic and trade reforms.

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Juan Estrada-Valle is an agricultural economist, five-time Chief of Party, thought leader, and executive with more than 20 years of experience managing economic growth programs in trade and investment, agri-food systems, value chain competitiveness, and foreign policy.

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Marina Krivoshlykova is a Principal Global Practice Manager for DAI’s Private Sector Development and Skills practice.

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Nasser Lama started his career in Silicon Valley, where he spent the first 19 years working for public, private, and startup companies in the high-tech industry.

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Bryanna Millis is a Principal Global Practice Specialist with DAI.

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Joe Phillips is a trade and investment expert with experience implementing international economic development strategies and programs.

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Building on three decades of work in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, Kristi Ragan is committed to finding new ways to raise the quality of life for the world’s poor.

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Our Projects

Southern Africa—USAID Mobilizing Investment Project

The USAID Southern Africa Mobilizing Investment Project is a five-year initiative to promote inclusive economic growth and self-reliance in the region.

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Mozambique—Technical Assistance in Support of Trade and Development for Promove Comércio

The Technical Assistance in Support of Trade and Development in Promove Comércio project works to improve the trade and business environment in Mozambique.

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Africa—USAID Africa Trade and Investment activity

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Africa Trade and Investment activity bolsters the Agency’s ability to boost trade and investment to, from, and within the African continent.

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Burma—Responsible Investment and Trade Activity

The Burma Responsible Investment and Trade Activity, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), works with a broad range of international and domestic private sector firms and civil society actors to promote civilian ownership of the Myanmar economy by increasing the share held by responsible, accountable, and transparent firms.

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Lebanon—Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) Activity

The Trade and Investment Facilitation Activity works to boost the exports of Lebanese goods and services, facilitate investment in Lebanese enterprises, and improve the business and investment enabling environment in Lebanon.

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Southern Africa—Trade Forward Southern Africa (TFSA)

The Trade Forward Southern Africa programme supported trade growth, improved gender equality in the trade arena, and alleviated poverty across Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, and South Africa.

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Worldwide—Trade, Private Sector Development, and Engagement (TPSD/E) Facility, I and II

The Trade, Private Sector Development, and Engagement Facility helps shape and implement new policies related to Aid for Trade and regional integration programmes.

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Central Asia—Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs Activity (CTJ); Trade Central Asia (TCA)

DAI is working in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to improve regional trade—which will grow exports and employment.

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DAI History: 40 Years of Excellence

DAI was founded in 1970 by three graduates of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government intent on providing a more dynamic and effective brand of development assistance. See how DAI is turning this American success story, into a global one.

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