Global Health

We envision better health systems that foster quality & access; reduce threats; and promote healthier behaviours to improve lives globally.


Health Governance

The health governance team supports international Universal Health Coverage goals: where individuals and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship.

Around the world, the most stretched health systems face the biggest challenges in creating efficient and equitable healthcare. Globally 80% of people live in low-and middle-income states, but only 20% of global health expenditure is spent in these countries. Over-stretched health systems face additional governance challenges such as poor financial controls, limited accountability mechanisms and weak partnerships with the private sector. Health information is often recorded on paper and data systems for tracking outbreaks and conducting surveillance are often fragmented. 

Strong partnerships and systems are the answer to many of these issues. We adopt a non-hierarchical, partnership approach with public sector and civil society to develop health systems that deliver quality services fairly. We start with inclusive stakeholder mapping and political economy analysis to understand the incentives, opportunities and barriers to change. We then use this data to help make systems more transparent, efficient and effective.  Key services we offer include:

  • Strengthening government institutions: We develop collaborative relationships with government health institutions to help them strengthen their technical oversight, improve financial management and source sustainable funding.
  • Supporting transitional partnerships with civil society: We support a broad range of non-government, civil society organisations to deliver better quality, more equitable health interventions. We also provide risk-managed transitional grant oversight for local organisations.
  • Improving the quality and coverage of human resources for health: In many regions skilled health workers are concentrated in urban areas, leaving rural communities under-served. We work with communities and governments to improve the quality and the distribution of their health workforce – supporting training, policy implementation and resource allocation on a national or state level.
  • Facilitating more transparent, accountable client-centred health services: Fairer health systems must be transparent and accountable. That’s why we help public sector and civil society organisations to develop complaint, whistleblowing, safeguarding and oversight mechanisms.
  • Promoting evidence-based decision-making: We support institutions to implement and use health information systems and aggregate national health data through software like DHIS. Data digitalisation, management & analysis equips governments to use and respond to surveillance data and develop evidence-based health policies.
  • Strengthening public finance management: We work with governments and municipalities to improve financial controls, policies, budgets, and planning mechanisms and ensure public funds are allocated where they are needed most.
  • Monitoring & Learning: We support government and civil society by developing monitoring and learning frameworks, accountability programmes and evidence frameworks to track project outcomes and impacts.

Our Experts

Ali Shan Azhar is a social sector governance specialist who started his career in Pakistan as a civil servant and since 2003 has conducted analytical research on poverty, inequality, economic growth, and human development in Pakistan and South Asia.

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Rachel Couper is a global health and development professional with 10 years of experience in technical assistance, design, and implementation of global health programs, with a focus delivering effective health governance strategies to drive transformation and resiliency in the health sector.

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Charlotte Laurence is a Senior Health Advisor for DAI Global Health, focusing on programme delivery, technical strategy, and proposal development.

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Our Projects

Nigeria—Fleming Fund

DAI’s Fleming Fund programme in Nigeria was a collaboration with the Nigerian government to strengthen systems for AMR and Antimicrobial Use (AMR/AMU) using a “One Health” approach—a multisectoral approach to complex health problems that reaches across human health, animal health, and environment sectors.

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Pakistan—Fleming Fund Phases I and II

DAI’s Fleming Fund program in Pakistan is a collaboration with the Pakistani government to strengthen systems using a “One Health” approach—a multisectoral approach to complex health problems that reaches across human health, animal health, and environment sectors.

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Morocco—Technical Assistance to Support Social Protection Reform

The Technical Assistance to Support Social Protection Reform project in Morocco coordinated and monitored social protection reforms; strengthened capacity in social assistance, social insurance, social protection, and health; produced studies to improve the monitoring and evaluation of the reforms; and implemented communication and visibility activities.

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Zambia—Scaling Up Nutrition Technical Assistance (Zambia SUN TA)

The project engages thousands of women in maternal and child health education and works with farmers across 13 districts to help them adopt climate-resilient farming practices to produce diverse, nutritious foods that are crucial to reducing stunting.

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Africa—Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa (TDDA) programme

The Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa (TDDA) programme worked to save lives and improved global health security by reducing the impact of disease outbreaks, epidemics, and other public health threats across sub-Saharan Africa.

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Swaziland—Strengthening Public Health Governance and Management Systems

We supported the Swaziland Ministry of Health in the implementation of the government’s institutional and management reform initiatives.

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Haiti—Strategic Health Information System Program (HIS)

The Haiti Strategic Health Information System Program team consolidated and integrated Haiti’s disconnected health information assets to create a comprehensive national system.

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The U.S. Agency for International Development’s Jalin program assisted the Indonesian government as it promoted solutions for preventing maternal and newborn deaths and extending health services.

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Nigeria—EU Support to Immunisation Governance in Nigeria (EU-SIGN)

The EU Support to Immunisation Governance in Nigeria (EU-SIGN) project improved maternal newborn and child health by protecting children and their mothers from preventable diseases.

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Nigeria—Integrated Approach to Neglected Tropical Diseases (UNITED)

The Integrated Approach to Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme supported the Nigerian government in controlling seven neglected tropical diseases—blinding trachoma, bilharzia, elephantiasis, river blindness, hookworm, whipworm, and roundworm. DAI Global Health was responsible for the health systems strengthening workstream.

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Nigeria—Women for Health (W4H)

The Women for Health (W4H) programme empowered women as service providers in five states in northern Nigeria.

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Worldwide—Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition (MQSUN, MQSUN+) Framework

MQSUN+ provided multi-disciplinary, highly qualified expert teams, including nutritionists, economists, statisticians, social economists, and other specialists in key areas such as public health, agriculture and food security, law, social protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), education, governance, and gender.

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Nigeria—Support to National Malaria Elimination Programme (SuNMaP)

The Support to the Nigeria Malaria Elimination Program (SUNMAP) strengthened Nigerian government management capacity by streamlining policy development, planning and coordination of malaria control activities in 10 states.

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Nigeria—Partnership for Reviving Routine Immunization in Northern Nigeria / Maternal Newborn and Child Health (PRRINN/MNCH)

Covering a population of approximately 19 million in four states of Northern Nigeria, the Partnership for Reviving Routine Immunization in Northern Nigeria / Maternal Newborn and Child Health programme (PRRINN/MNCH) combined health systems strengthening with routine immunization and maternal, newborn, and child health interventions.

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Nigeria—Partnership for Transforming Health Systems 1 (PATHS 1)

The Partnership for Transforming Health Systems 1 in Nigeria supported local initiatives to strengthen government stewardship in health policy, planning, and financing to improve management in public health.

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DAI’s Employee Ownership Initiative Wins Prestigious Award

DAI was yesterday named an award winner at the 17th annual conference of the Global Equity Organization (GEO), a professional membership organization dedicated to advancing understanding of employee share plans. DAI won in a new award category, Best Use of a Share Plan in a Private Company.

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