Caterina Valero has lived, worked, or traveled to more than 50 countries. She is an international development professional with more than 30 years of experience in program management and implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Her work focuses on economic growth, democracy, human rights, civil society strengthening, citizen security, youth, and developing workforces.

She serves as the Chief of Party for the Skills for Employment project in El Salvador. Prior to this position, she was the Chief of Party for the Unidos por la Justicia (United for Justice) project in Honduras, and the Chief of Party for the Puentes para el Empleo (Bridges to Employment) project in El Salvador before that.

Prior to joining DAI, Caterina worked as a Senior Director with the Pan American Development Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she oversaw the home office staff and 11 country offices in the region and monitored the implementation of grants programming on projects with a total grants portfolio of $100 million. She supervised the strategic, technical, administrative, and operational components of a portfolio of 27 projects focused on social and economic development, juvenile justice, crime prevention, human rights, workforce development, municipal services, disaster management, and civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean. The projects she coordinated during that tenure were funded by a variety of donors, such as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Bank, United Nations, Royal Caribbean, among others. She has received extensive training on USAID Rules and Regulations, USAID Financial Management, USAID Sub-Award Management, and monitoring and evaluation, among others.

Caterina has contributed to more than 15 publications on poverty reduction, public and private sector partnerships, local governance, security, and youth, among others.



Said Abu Hijleh

Said Abu Hijleh, DAI Country Director in Palestine, is an executive manager and private enterprise development specialist with more than 30 years of experience building economic resilience and creating market linkages for the West Bank and Gaza.

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