Our Impact

As an independent, employee-owned global development company, our mission is to make a lasting difference in the world by helping people improve their lives.

We envision a world in which communities and societies become more prosperous, fairer and better governed, safer, healthier, and environmentally more sustainable. Integral to that mission is a commitment to uphold human rights and labor standards, promote environmental responsibility, and combat corruption in all its forms.

You can learn more about our commitment to Shaping a More Livable World by reviewing our Sustainability Report for the current and previous years below.

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Sustainablity Report


"In a year that saw the eruption or escalation of several crises, DAI reacted accordingly and adapted to changing situations on the ground in Afghanistan, Haiti, Palestine, Ukraine, and other troubled places around the globe."

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Sustainability Report


"A sustainable business is a business whose operating standards and principles are conducive to the 'more livable world' we aspire to in our tagline: a company that protects the natural environment and seeks to mitigate climate change, respects and rewards its workforce, rejects discrimination, sees diversity as a strength, and upholds the highest ethical standards."

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Communication on Progress


“In 2021, the environment—climate in particular—has been a point of emphasis for DAI,” writes DAI President and CEO Jim Boomgard in his introduction. “Under the leadership of longtime DAI climate and environment specialist Donald Lunan, the Climate Practice is ensuring that we deliver a ‘whole of company’ approach to our efforts, leveraging our climate programming across the wide range of DAI clients, technical disciplines, and geographies.”

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Communication on Progress


“The livable world at the heart of DAI’s mission is inconceivable in the absence of a habitable planet,” writes DAI President and CEO Jim Boomgard in his introduction. “Even as we fight the most lethal pandemic in a century, responsible companies must increasingly turn their attention to a pervasive threat that will remain the world’s biggest challenge long after COVID-19 has become a manageable disease: that threat is climate change.”

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Communication on Progress


“We have positioned DAI to provide development services at the confluence of three great resource streams: donor-funded development assistance; direct investments by private enterprises seeking to operate in developing countries; and development finance,” writes DAI President and CEO Jim Boomgard in his introduction. “These resource flows have the potential to lift billions of people out of poverty.”

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Communication on Progress


“As we look forward to 2019 and to our fiftieth year of operations in 2020, we are challenging ourselves to deliver greater and greater value to our partners around the world, and we find ourselves working in exciting new ways,” wrote DAI President and CEO Jim Boomgard in his introduction. “In all of these endeavors, we remain committed to shaping a more livable world in the spirit of the UN Global Compact and its underlying principles.”



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Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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