Latin America and the Caribbean

Since 1975, clients such as the U.S. Agency for International Development, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, and government of Mexico have called on DAI to support sustainable economic growth, environmentally responsible agricultural development, and democratic processes in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In El Salvador:

  • We are helping the government increase tax revenues by more than $1.2 billion and tax-to-gross domestic product ratio by two percentage points from 13 to 15 percent, significantly improving government ability to invest in development objectives without raising tax rates.
  • We are working to build the job skills and employability of 20,000 at-risk youth from communities impacted by crime and violence, and connecting them with employment opportunities in the country’s highest growth economic sectors.

In Guatemala:

  • We are building the capacity of 44 municipal governments in the Western Highlands region to address local challenges in government transparency and citizen participation, adaptation to changes in climate, and food security.
  • We are supporting the national government to collect and spend revenue with greater efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability, ultimately increasing its ability to invest in public services and improve outcomes for citizens in health, education, and economic growth.

In Honduras:

  • We are working with the government in western Honduras to improve natural conservation policies; develop opportunities for inclusive, environmentally sustainable economic growth; and promote a more climate-informed and resilient civil society.
  • We are supporting local governments in 80 municipalities in western Honduras to address entrenched socioeconomic challenges related to food insecurity, climate vulnerability, and local governance in order to sustainably improve the lives of the Honduran people.
  • We are working with law enforcement professionals to improve community policing through technical guidance and best practices, especially related to effective engagement with women, youth, and at-risk populations.

In Haiti:

  • We are increasing agricultural productivity among small farmers; improving watershed stability above selected plains; strengthening agricultural markets by increasing access to financial products; and improving transportation infrastructure such as roads to fertile but inaccessible farmland.


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