As a Peace Corps volunteer in Mali, Janine Mans first became interested in public financial management and public administration when she saw how the government’s challenges in mobilizing and managing resources led to significant gaps in service delivery in her community. More than two decades later, she has worked in more than 20 countries designing and implementing good governance, economic policy, and public administration programs with an emphasis on public financial management, local governance, anticorruption, and cross-sectoral programming.

She has worked for the World Bank and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and supported the implementation of USAID-funded projects in the Philippines, Mozambique, and with the Asia Pacific Economic Community; served as key personnel of USAID projects; conducted short-term technical assessments; and championed several winning proposals.

After several years working on democracy and governance for USAID, Janine in 2023 shifted back to project implementation to lead DAI’s Public Financial Management Practice. In that role, Janine is supporting business development, technical leadership, and the successful implementation of projects.



Roberto Toso

Roberto Toso is a senior economist with more than 25 years of international development experience working on financial sector reform, economic policy, public financial management, international trade, and competitiveness strategy.

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