Alia Afshar is responsible for overseeing a portfolio of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Bank-funded economic growth, workforce development, and competitiveness projects in the Middle East. Her specific areas of expertise include value chain analysis, competitiveness, micro and macro-economic growth interventions, gender integration, and workforce development. She has more than 18 years of international development experience, primarily managing large, complex USAID projects. For the last six years, she has been overseeing DAI’s economic growth portfolio in the Middle East. Before joining DAI, Alia worked at Creative Associates International where she focused on immediate post-conflict programming. She has work experience in both post-conflict and developing countries including Afghanistan, Angola, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Liberia, Mozambique, Palestine, Rwanda, and South Africa.



Zaki Raheem

Zaki Raheem is private sector development specialist, where he engages in market assessments that look to link micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises and producers to growing markets.

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