Our work in the Middle East and North Africa began with design and evaluation assignments in 1976 and continues today with major programs in many development fields.
On those first assignments, we supported the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) work in rural Egypt, and in 1980 we helped Egypt implement a long-term agricultural production program. We soon were managing large-scale programs and providing technical expertise in many Middle Eastern and North African countries. A few examples:
Palestinian private sector through an export-led growth strategy. Through 2011, we have completed more than 100 projects in the region, stimulating economic growth, improving employment opportunities, expanding access to markets, and boosting exports. More recently, we:
As one of the first development firms on the ground in Iraq following the 2003 invasion, we won global acclaim for our work to restore the Iraqi marshlands.
In addition to this portfolio, DAI is currently doing critical work in Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, and elsewhere in the region.
DAI has been named a Devex Top 40 Development Innovator, one of only 10 consulting firms so honored globally. The award was based on a poll of 100,000 Devex members, who comprise the world’s largest network of aid and international development professionals.
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