DAI in Pakistan

Home to almost a quarter of a billion people at the crossroads of Central Asia, the Asian Subcontinent, and the Gulf, Pakistan is both a rapidly growing economy and a perennial geopolitical hotspot, given its borders with Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran. DAI brings to Pakistan its global perspective, resources, and expertise, and a locally led team of world-class professionals based in Islamabad.


As one of the world’s pre-eminent international development consultancies, DAI has implemented high-impact projects in Pakistan for more than 40 years. Today, we provide specialized technical assistance and project management services to international cooperation agencies, government partners, and private sector clients. Our advisory services are available to private clients, investors, and investees via DAI’s Sustainable Business Group and DAI Capital.

DAI’s expertise spans the gamut of technical disciplines, from economic growth (including private sector development, financial services, trade, and investment) and governance (public financial management, capacity building, civil society engagement, and legislative development) to environmental imperatives such as climate change and social sector support in the health and education arenas. Digital acceleration is central to our approach across all business lines.

Among recent engagements to enhance Pakistan’s economic growth, DAI has facilitated trade to the Central Asian Republics by piloting exports under the Transports Internationaux Routiers, or TIR Convention; helped develop Pakistan’s first policy framework on e-commerce; and re-engineered business processes in Pakistan’s digital National Single Window for international trade.

As the global partner for Shell’s LiveWire program—the energy company’s flagship enterprise development initiative—DAI implements Shell Tameer, which instils entrepreneurial skills in Pakistanis aged 18-35. The program offers young businesspeople training on enterprise skills and starting a business, facilitates networking with expert organisations to develop business plans and secure start-up finance, and runs a biannual award scheme to recognize successful entrepreneurs.

Beyond economic growth, DAI has spearheaded the nation’s efforts to counter antimicrobial resistance, supported community-led development in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and rallied 1.5 million supporters around the need to get Pakistan’s children in good schools. Our Consolidating Democracy in Pakistan program trained 850,000 election and polling staff prior to the 2018 General Election and assisted more than a million women and other marginalized people to vote. Similarly, our Voice and Accountability program (AAWAZ)—like all DAI projects attuned to the distinct needs of women and girls—assisted 2.65 million Pakistani women to obtain the national ID cards crucial to civic participation.

In all our work, we remain committed to the development of Pakistan and its people, and we bring to bear the full weight of DAI’s global team on behalf of our clients.



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