Center for Digital Acceleration

DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration builds on DAI’s decades of experience to design and deploy innovative, user-centered digital tools that drive change across emerging markets.

Insights for Emerging Markets

In emerging markets, high-level statistics on the local digital sector are often neither current nor targeted enough to guide programming. CDA helps bridge this knowledge gap for our clients, by employing Frontier Insights, a proprietary research method that identifies users’ technology preferences, financial capacity, infrastructure access, and information collection habits. We meet directly with them to piece together a complex portrait of their daily digital lives, which then informs the design of our digital tools and strategies. In addition to this research, our experts also conduct market research and ecosystem analysis.

To read more, visit our blog Digital@DAI

Our Experts

Chloe Carrington is a Senior Consultant within DAI’s dedicated Center for Digital Acceleration, working across business units and donors to help integrate new technologies into development work.

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With a consistent focus on the integration of user-centered design in digital development, Talia conducts digital strategic analyses, manages digital projects, and supports the Center for Digital Acceleration in its innovation work, for example by managing the implementation of digital prizes and challenges.

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Since joining DAI in 2000, Colleen Green has served as a microfinance specialist providing short-term support to bank downscaling and other programs to benefit micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

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As Senior Director of DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration, Anand Varghese leads a team of researchers and policy analysts who help donor clients integrate digital technology into their work and strengthen digital ecosystems around the world.

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Our Projects

Worldwide—Digital Frontiers

Digital Frontiers supports the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Center for Digital Development in identifying the most successful digital solutions and scaling their impact globally.

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Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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