Africa—Building Regional Resilience through Strengthened Meteorological, Hydrological, and Climate Services in the Indian Ocean Commission Member Countries
DAI provided technical expertise to design the “Building Regional Resilience through Strengthened Meteorological, Hydrological, and Climate Services in the Indian Ocean Commission Member Countries” project for consideration to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as part of the Adapt’Action framework contract.
Our team assessed country contexts and reviewed and analysed relevant documents and data. We conducted fact-finding missions in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles, working closely with relevant stakeholders. The information identified and collected during the project feasibility stage lead to the development of a full funding proposal as well as relevant annexes for submission to the Global Climate Fund.
Working with World Meteorological Organisation staff, this assignment closely aligned with our work in Mauritius.
Sample Activities
Establish a ‘vulnerability profile’ for each target country, based on an analysis of hydrological and climate-related hazards, communities and livelihoods, and existing meteorological infrastructure.
Identify gaps and capacity building needs among the national hydrological, meteorological, agrometeorological, and marine services of each beneficiary country and at the regional level.
Develop complementary studies for the Regional Hydromet Project, namely environmental and social impact assessment, economic and financial feasibility study, gender assessment plan, and action plan.
Develop a full-scale funding proposal for the Regional Hydromet Project.
Select Results
Drafted the project’s feasibility assessment, economic and financial analysis, gender assessment and action plan, and environmental and social management framework as per Green Climate Fund guidelines.
Drafted the full project proposal including project results framework and institutional mechanisms based on consultations with the French Development Agency (AFD), European Union, Indian Ocean Commission, and executing entities in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles.
Provided support to the AFD team to address the Green Climate Fund evaluation panel queries in preparation for its review at the GCF Board meeting in spring 2021.
The Destination Nature Activity conserves biodiversity and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by supporting rural communities to make a living from sustainable nature tourism.