Ukraine—Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2021-2027

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Ukraine

Solutions: Governance

[Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, DAI’s programs in Ukraine have had to adapt their modes of operation and in some cases their underlying activities and objectives. This project description remains generally accurate but should be read with that caveat in mind.]

Ukraine continues along the path of decentralization, but there is an urgent need to secure the gains of the past six years of reform. Stakeholders in Ukraine, including the current administration, understand that the expansion of the institutions of democratic local governance is critical to raising local living standards and reducing out-migration, achieving more balanced regional economic development, improving accountability, and enhancing citizen confidence.

The Ukraine Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) program builds upon accomplishments from the U.S. Agency for International Development’s previous governance support to complete the necessary legal framework for decentralization and mitigate against backsliding, support the operation of newly consolidated communities, improve services delivered to citizens, and advance citizen engagement at all levels.

HOVERLA works to ensure that Ukraine’s system of local self-governance is increasingly institutionalized and effective, that subnational governments are more self-reliant, and that citizens can play an increasingly influential role in local governance processes.


Sample Activities

  • Ensure the content of proposed primary or secondary legislation or amendments is evidence-based, in keeping with European standards, and rationalized within the local legal system and cultural environment.
  • Support the development of subnational governance action plans.
  • Support effective systems of financial control and external audit of the local level.
  • Increase local and subnational government capacity to perform budget fiscal and administrative roles.
  • Expand municipal fiscal transparency through public hearings and e-portals.

Select Results

  • Donated IT equipment to 25 communities and three Oblasts State Administrations of Poltava, Volyn, and Lviv to better respond to the emergency situations and challenges on the ground. HOVERLA partners received laptops, printers, and supplementing pieces of IT equipment, which will be directed to the emergent needs of the local and oblast authorities to provide residents with continued services.
  • Hosted historic forum with more than 300 participants to set the legislative agenda for 2022.
  • Provided fire extinguishers, chainsaws, extension cords, and other tools to partner municipalities and the Military Administration in Poltava Oblast, which will help local authorities maintain the civil protection system and serve citizens, including internally displaced people.


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