Türkiye—Technical Assistance for Capacity Enhancement for Development and Implementation of Smart Specialization Strategies

Client: European Union

Duration: 2023-2025

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Türkiye

Solutions: Economic Growth

The Technical Assistance for Capacity Enhancement for Development and Implementation of Smart Specialization Strategies in Türkiye’s Regions (CEDIS3) will strengthen the capacity of national and regional actors to formulate and implement Smart Specialization Strategies. “Smart specialization” is an approach to economic development introduced by the EU that focuses on tailoring support to each region’s unique strengths and potential, moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach. Central to the project will be a Smart Specialization Advisory Board, through which we will deliver the expertise of key individuals responsible for the EU’s policy framework. The team will collaborate closely with Türkiye’s government and stakeholders to ensure the best possible utilization of our global expertise.


Sample Activities

  • Develop a comprehensive Smart Specialization Manual and Roadmap.
  • Establish a Regional Platform to facilitate the implementation of innovative tools. * Conduct pilot exercises with partner development agencies to implement strategies and share learning.


Türkiye—Technical Assistance for Strengthening Training and Research Capacity of the Centre for Labour and Social Training and Research (ÇASGEM)

This project supported Türkiye’s Training and Research Centre for Labour and Social Security, medical, and rehabilitation professionals by developing new learning modules on occupational health and safety.

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