South Sudan—Health Pooled Fund

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Duration: 2012-2018

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: South Sudan

Solutions: Global Health Fragile States

The Health Pooled Fund, supported by multiple donors, focused on successfully strengthening health systems and delivering essential health services in South Sudan. DAI Global Health was a core partner in a consortium led by Crown Agents. Within the fund were 23 other implementing partners that supported primary health care services in health facilities, including hospitals, across 55 counties.

As part of the consortium, DAI Global Health lead the Health Systems Strengthening, Inclusion, and Community Engagement project activities.

Sample Activities

  • Manage Health Pooled Fund mechanisms through support to the Steering Committee and state and county coordination mechanisms, as well as develop policies, procedures, and guidelines.
  • Support health service delivery through contracting, managing, and monitoring implementing partners.
  • Strengthen health sector planning, management, and oversight at national and state levels.
  • Manage fiduciary risk for funds under direct Health Pooled Fund control.

Select Results

  • Immunised hundreds of thousands of children against preventable childhood illnesses including vaccinating 258,000 children under 1 year of age against measles from 2017 to 2018.
  • Provided family planning for the first time to more than 1 million women of reproductive age, reinforcing their right to determine how many children they have, and reducing the number of maternal deaths and infant mortality.
  • Provided a skilled birth attendant to nearly 50,000 baby deliveries in the last year, resulting in more women getting access to clean, safe, and reliable treatment.
  • Helped 92 percent of health facilities to create committees for communities to give feedback regarding health services.
  • Improved availability of drugs, with timely deliveries every four months and stock levels of tracer drugs over 80 percent throughout the year; 90 percent of facilities provide monthly drug consumption reports, enabling better analysis of drug consumption.


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