Serbia—Improving Chapter 27 Planning and Implementation

Client: European Union

Duration: 2023-2025

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Serbia

Solutions: Environment

Aligning the legal and administrative systems of candidate countries with EU law is a complex. The primary objective of this initiative is to assist Serbia to align its climate policies with EU Negotiating Positions, which is crucial to a smooth EU accession process.

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The Facility is designed to support the Ministry of Mining and Environmental Protection (MEP) and other entities within the Negotiation Group 27. It addresses both immediate and anticipated needs arising from the accession negotiation agenda. This includes providing technical assistance in strategic planning, legal alignment, and monitoring and reporting systems. The support also involves strengthening administrative capabilities and institutions to facilitate planning, implementation, and compliance with accession requirements.

Sample activities:

  • Assess and identify areas needing changes in planning, legal acts, and reporting systems within Chapter 27 sectors and directives.
  • Strengthen institutions to facilitate the implementation of Chapter 27 and membership obligations.


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