Türkiye—Assessment of Türkiye’s Potential on Transition to Circular Economy

Client: European Union

Duration: 2022-2025

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Türkiye

Solutions: Environment Climate

The effects of economic growth and urbanization in Türkiye have resulted in greater demand for more efficient and renewable forms of energy and a better waste management system. To deal with these challenges, Türkiye recognizes that it must transition to a more “circular” growth model, and it is making efforts to harmonize its environmental regulatory and policy framework with European Union (EU) standards in this area as part of the EU Accession process.

The EU circular economy action plan is intended to reduce pressure on natural resources and create more sustainable growth and jobs, the plan envisages initiatives along the entire lifecycle of products, influencing how products are designed, promoting circular economy processes, encouraging sustainable consumption, and seeking to prevent waste.

Our project promotes the transition to the circular economy and is helping set up a national framework to achieve this goal. We are also identifying the challenges and gaps in Türkiye’s current waste and resource management system, to help develop the knowledge, technical, and institutional capacity necessary to bring about the country’s economic transition in line with the EU’s circular economy action plan.

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Sample Activities

  • Analyze the potential of Türkiye to transition to a circular economy.
  • Develop a comprehensive national strategy and action plan harmonized with the EU plan.
  • Improve the management capacity of national and local authorities in terms of integrated waste management.

Select Results

  • Performed a high-level opening event with more than 180 participants.
  • Conducted training in Antalya in the context of EU circular economy with 60 participants and 19 speakers from key institutions on both local and international levels.
  • Held hybrid circular economy workshops in Ankara with 198 in-person attendees and 175 visitors remotely from the relevant national and international public and private sector institutions/organizations.
  • Organized study visits to Belgium and the Netherlands to present to Türkiye’s Delegation best practices in circular economy models in the manufacturing sector; on digitalization in the supply chain; on recycling of construction waste; the use of recycled materials in new buildings; and green public procurement.
  • Organized consultation meetings and participatory workshops with beneficiaries to draft objectives and expected outcomes for Türkiye’s Circular Economy Strategy. This roadmap blends legislative reforms, inventive incentives, and sector-specific plans. By 2028, the nation plans to overhaul its environmental laws and waste management regulations to align with the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.


Worldwide—Support the Secretariat of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

The Support the Secretariat of the GCoM for Climate and Energy project develops, monitors, and leads climate and sustainable energy action and diplomacy globally through the local level, supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, and other United Nations’ initiatives on climate adaptation and cities.

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