Senegal and Mauritania—Industrial Baseline Study

Client: Multinational corporation

Duration: 2020-2020

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Senegal, Mauritania

Solutions: Sustainable Business

DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by an international oil and gas company to conduct an industrial baseline study across Senegal and Mauritania. The project was geared towards the oil and gas company’s procurement team and was composed of three different types of activities: an industrial baseline study (IBS) of their Phase 1 operations, local content tendering documentation, and local content advisory and call-down support. The provision of an IBS on the operating expense phase included demand mapping, an engagement plan, a field assessment, survey and spend analysis, and a report on findings.

SBG undertook a field assessment in both Mauritania and Senegal consisting of a total of 40 to 60 expert interviews, focusing on the business environment, technical questions, and materials previously discussed with the client, site visits, and a tailored firm-level competitiveness survey. This IBS focused on areas of interest to the client and included highly technical questions related to supply chain categories’ qualifications and previous scopes of work. To complete the IBS, SBG undertook an analysis of surveys, field/interview notes, and client spend data to come up with preparedness scores, local procurement spend, and rigorous study of supply chain categories.



Mongolia—Corporate Social Investment Strategy Study

DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was selected in 2019 by an international mining company to conduct a study of innovative development models being implemented by corporations interested in having a real impact on socioeconomic and development outcomes of the countries in which they operate.

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