Client: European Union
Duration: 2023-2026
Region: Middle East and North Africa
Country: South Mediterranean
Solutions: Governance
Increasing the participation of civil society groups in policy-making processes in the South Mediterranean would contribute toward a rights-based, pluralistic, accountable, and inclusive democratic governance process. Around 45 percent of the population in the region is below the age of 25, but mistrust of governments has led to decreased participation of young people in public institutions. The countries in the region also tend to have very few women in high-level political decision-making positions as well as in civil society.
The MED Dialogue For Rights and Equality II, Civil Society Facility South project works to increase the capacity of young civil society actors as key partners in designing and implementing policies and programs that address the region’s developmental challenges.
This project uses an integrated approach to support greater involvement of civil society in the policy-making process, particularly those organisations representing the interests of young people, women, and other disadvantaged groups. Our team also supports the structured dialogue between the European Union (EU) and civil society in the Southern Mediterranean and seeks to improve the capacities of the Directorate-General Neighbourhood and Enlargement (DG NEAR) and EU Delegations to work with civil society in the region.
The EU Public Diplomacy and Outreach project worked to deepen the political, economic, and cultural relationships of the European Union with the SAARC region, which includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
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