Tanzania—ME Consultant, Business Sector Programme Support Phase IV (BSPS IV)

Client: Danida

Duration: 2014-2019

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Tanzania

Solutions: Economic Growth

The fourth phase of the Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS IV) had three components—Agricultural Markets Development, Improved Business Climate, and Access to Finance—and six subcomponents.

While partner organizations are responsible for implementing and managing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for the subcomponents, DAI’s consultancy developed and implemented a coherent M&E system for BSPS IV and its three components—Agricultural Markets Development, Improved Business Climate, and Access to Finance.

Select Results

  • Fine-tuned BSPS IV log frame and M&E system to monitor progress.
  • Assisted Danida programme partners in fine-tuning subcomponent log frames and M&E systems; provided technical support to partner organisations to build their capacity in M&E.
  • Conducted baseline studies and assist in developing targets for all indicators.
  • Undertook studies as and when required by Danida and its partners.


Worldwide—Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships (MSP)

The Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships activity (MSP) helps the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) advance learning and good practice in integrating private sector engagement across all activities, while at the same time deepening market systems development across the Feed the Future program cycle.

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