Madagascar—Improving the Business Environment and Investment Climate (CLIM-INVEST)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2022-2025

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Madagascar

Solutions: Economic Growth

Over the past decade, the European Union (EU) has increasingly emphasized the role and importance of the private sector in development and cooperation with Madagascar. Supporting Madagascar through the CLIM-INVEST project falls within the framework of the EU’s commitments to stimulate investments in the country, create high-quality jobs, foster sustainable and inclusive growth, and encourage responsible business conduct.

Our project supports the national strategy for improving the business and investment environment and increasing the institutional, organizational, and technical capacities of the entities involved in public-private dialogue. We also support efforts to formalize businesses with strong social and environmental ethics and we monitor the needed reforms to bolster the economic attractiveness of Madagascar.


Sample Activities

  • Consolidate and operationalize the mechanism for public-private dialogue.
  • Increase institutional capacities for steering the country’s competitiveness in terms of the business environment and the investment climate.
  • Encourage businesses to develop their practices in line with internationally established inclusive growth procedures.


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