Iraq—Governance and Performance Accountability (IGPA)/Takamul

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2017-2023

Region: Middle East and North Africa

Country: Iraq

Solutions: Governance

The Iraq Governance and Performance Accountability (IGPA) project, known locally as “Takamul” or “Integration” supported the Iraqi Government to shore up fiscal stability while rapidly and visibly improving service delivery. The project built capacity for Iraqi government service delivery, improved governorate and national government public financial management, and strengthened monitoring and oversight of service delivery and public expenditure. IGPA/Takamul involved civil society in the decentralization process to ensure accountability, transparency, and citizen buy-in. Through this integrated approach, the project brought about tangible improvements in the daily lives of Iraqis and strengthened the relationship between government and citizens.

After five years, IGPA improved service delivery outcomes in utility sectors with high impact and visibility potentials, such as water, solid waste, and electricity; strengthened the strategic approach and capacity of the decentralized ministries to better align service delivery outcomes with the priorities of provincial governments and local populations; and enhanced targeting of capital investment spending in service delivery sectors that serve vulnerable and disadvantaged populations.

IGPA.jpgPhoto: Maria Luces, IGPA/Takamul.

Sample Activities

  • Engage the government service ministries and provincial directorates to improve service delivery by providing technical assistance and supporting the implementation of laws to decentralize decision-making. Priority service sectors include water supply, solid waste management, and electricity, all of which align with the Government of Iraq (GOI) priorities.
  • Provide technical support to economic and public financial management reforms for local revenue generation and collection, planning and budgeting, financial reporting, and oversight and monitoring as well as support to the GOI White Paper reform initiatives.
  • Work with the GOI and civil society to develop accountability mechanisms to help the government respond to citizens’ needs and measure their effectiveness. IGPA provides technical support and training to civil society groups in areas such as oversight, accountability, communications, inclusive budget planning, and service delivery.
  • Identify and train change agents at various government levels and within society and provide them with high-impact technical assistance to sustain IGPA program interventions to improve governance amidst a shifting political landscape.

Select Results

  • Revamped climate change adaptation and mitigation guidelines at the national, provincial, and local levels in Iraq. In collaboration with the Renewable Energy Department of the Ministry of Electricity and in coordination with other ministries, IGPA developed a solar power guidebook, facilitated a review of and proposed changes to the Solid Waste Management law, introduced climate-smart agriculture practices, reactivated provincial environment development and protection councils in six provinces, helped plan and implement climate change mitigation and adaption awareness campaigns, and, with the Ministry of Environment, amended Environment Protection Fund’s rules.
  • Developed bidding documents for 476 projects worth $2.5 billion, 151 projects were awarded worth $864 million; 36 employees received international accreditation as procurement trainers expanding the pool of experts to promote transparency and judicious use of funds.
  • Assisted the Iraqi government to award 196 projects worth $946 million, helped government entities in preparing bids for 495 projects worth $3.6 billion, and trained 3,068 employees in procurement.
  • Re-engineered 99 service delivery processes that improved the efficiency and the effectiveness of the government services delivery.
  • Facilitated citizen access to avail themselves of government services, including fee and utility payments, through Xizmat, the Kurdistan region’s web portal where 422 government services are centrally located.
  • Improved the operation of water treatment plants in six provinces and water sewerage plants in two provinces by developing a manual for, and training plant operators on, standard operations and maintenance procedures—affecting an estimated 6.8 million Iraqis and their communities.
  • Strengthened the capacity of the Ministry of Planning’s Iraq Development Management System (IDMS) unit to ensure the system’s sustainability and successful roll out to the provincial line ministries and trained more than 80 staff to use the upgraded IDMS to track capital project information.
  • Through IGPA’s support to the Identity Management System, the Kurdistan region saved at least $444 million a year by eliminating more than 50,000 ghost employees, identifying 106,839 cases of multiple salaries, and suspending 16,839 illegal renumerations.
  • Created Technical Working Groups, a government-civil society coalition, which conducted more than 425 water and solid waste management services campaigns in Anbar, Babil, Baghdad, Basrah, Najaf, Ninewa, and Wasit provinces with local government funding of more than $897,400.
  • Created a path for deeper civil-society engagement in government planning and decision-making through the revitalization of provincial planning and development councils in 13 provinces with civil society groups as partners to ensure satisfactory service delivery to citizens.
  • Mentored 93 government employees to become change agents within their respective organizations. Change agents are leaders and advocates for change who will ensure the sustainability of IGPA improvements introduced to their organization. Change agents are active at service directorates and other government entities in 13 provinces.
  • Assisted 40 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ninewa and northern Iraq to access financing totaling approximately $1 million and provided technical assistance to 343 SMEs to improve their business performance.
  • Streamlined 100 water, solid waste, and social service delivery processes, which improved the efficiency and effectiveness of government services in eight provinces.


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