Honduras—Building Climate Resilience Activity

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2022-2027

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Country: Honduras

Solutions: Environment Climate

In Honduras, climate change exacerbates extreme weather events and shocks such as cyclones, forest fires, and drought. These shocks threaten Honduran ecosystems, worsen food insecurity, and contribute to water scarcity. Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic and back-to-back tropical storms, combined with consecutive years of below-average rainfall, have decimated the Honduran economy, hampering poverty reduction efforts, provoking social unrest, and driving irregular migration.

In the face of these unprecedented challenges, Hondurans need new approaches to build resilience that will enable them to thrive—where they are.

The Building Climate Resilience Activity strengthens the capacity of Honduran systems to respond to climate change, which will help to address underlying factors that contribute to irregular migration. The Activity collaborates with local communities, government officials, nongovernmental groups, and businesses to improve equitable, inclusive, and transparent water resources management; conserve critical ecosystems; and manage climate risk.

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Sample Activities

  • Increase access to and use of reliable weather and climate information—by national, regional, and municipal decision makers—to foster evidence-based decision-making.
  • Streamline policies, regulations, and processes, or develop new models, to enable an integrated water management approach in the most vulnerable and degraded sub-watersheds. Improve water availability for domestic and agricultural use.
  • Strengthen the accountability and sustainability of the Fund for the Management of Protected Areas and Wildlife, which supports Honduras’s public and private protected areas and reserves.
  • Increase sustainable tourism investments.
  • Institutionalize improved management of parks and protected areas through training and capacity building.


South Pacific Islands—Coastal Community Adaptation Project (C-CAP)

C-CAP built the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to withstand more intense and frequent weather events and ecosystem degradation in the short term, and sea level rise in the long term. We improved coastal zone management and water resource management capacity and strengthened disaster management.

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