Violeta Bermudez has more than 37 years of experience in international development and public service, including 13 years of experience managing and implementing donor projects. She has technical expertise in the areas of local governance and decentralization, gender inclusion and human rights, and environmental conservation and community-based development within the Amazon region. She has extensive experience working with civil society actors, international donors, development organizations, and Government of Peru ministries. She brings experience from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Peru Office of Democratic Initiatives carrying out political context analysis and strategic planning for both USAID and the U.S. Embassy regarding democracy promotion, development in the Amazon region, and local governance strengthening.

Under the Government of Peru, she has served as the Head of the Cabinet of Advisors of the Presidency for the Council of Ministers, before joining the ProDecentralization project, first as the Deputy Chief of Party and later as the Chief of Party. In recent years, she served as Prime Minister of Peru from November 2020 to July 2021, where she oversaw and coordinated 18 ministries, rolled out a countrywide COVID-19 vaccination campaign, and passed 13 national laws, including the law that established the Unit for Environmental Crimes within the Ministry of Environment.



Shannon Vasamsetti

Shannon Vasamsetti has more than 13 years of experience working in international development at the nexus of climate change, rural livelihoods, and natural resource management.

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