Tate Crowards is a Lead Analyst in DAI’s Sustainable Business Group managing a portfolio of projects in supplier development, SME green financing, and economic growth through entrepreneurship. With a background in research synthesis and both qualitative and quantitative economic analysis, Tate assists with the technical delivery of corporate social investment and local content projects globally. She has conducted industrial baseline studies, developed industry supply chain mapping and analysis, and has instructed on the use of competitiveness assessments for local content forecasting and policy development.

Tate leads numerous SME development projects spanning eight countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with focus areas in climate-smart financial products, digitalization, and financial institution collaboration. With the innovation and entrepreneurship portfolio, Tate provides technical and project management support to multi-year innovation programs in West Africa, notably the Kosmos Innovation Centers in Ghana and Mauritania, as well as leading entrepreneurship ecosystem mapping in numerous countries worldwide. Additionally, she is managing the Local Content Masterclass product for DAI, using her LSE training in local content policy and political economy of development expertise to engage new clients.

Tate’s passion for international development has been fostered throughout a lifetime of living around the world, with much of her life having been spent in Bangladesh and Ghana. Prior to joining DAI, Tate was a Trade Policy Fellow at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation think tank where she researched and conducted analysis on digital economy trade patterns and their policy implications.



Luke Kozumbo

Luke Kozumbo specializes in economic analysis and issues of trade and economic competitiveness.

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