Regional—Strengthening Regional Peace and Stability in West Africa Program (SRPS)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2023-2028

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: West Africa

Solutions: Fragile States

For decades, West Africa has experienced the destabilization of state governments, extreme poverty, the rise of violent extremist organizations, and the increasing threat of climate change.

In Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Togo, in particular, violent extremist groups threaten the democratic process, leading to instability and crises within state governments. Water scarcity, reduced food and economic security, and violent competition over natural resources have only worsened widespread violence.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Strengthening Regional Peace and Stability in West Africa (SRPS) program works to address interregional conflicts, improve state stability, and support the resilience of local communities.

DAI facilitates capacity development, institutional strengthening, networking, and collaboration among nascent and established community-based organizations, private sector actors, civil society actors, and government and intergovernmental institutions. The program works to prevent conflict, counter violent extremism, and contribute to a more stable region.

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Sample Activities

  • Design public outreach strategies, in collaboration with local governments, to increase confidence and transparency within state governments.
  • Help with the integration of action plans that seek to educate local populations on human rights, peacebuilding, and the value of inclusivity and the roles of women.
  • Provide grant funding support to youth groups to engage young people in policy development and advocacy.
  • Provide technical assistance on the monitoring of violent extremist groups while implementing counter-trafficking strategies.
  • Increase the communication capabilities of governments through conferences on transborder dialogue, climate and security, and interregional communication.
  • Address dis- and mis-information media award events to highlight examples of truthful and honest journalism.
  • Increase social cohesion by funding youth sporting events and trustbuilding activities through grants.

Select Results

  • Helped establish and equip 48 village savings and loan associations in Benin.
  • Reached—through grantee Réseau Action, Justice, et Paix (RAJP) in northern Côte d’Ivoire—1,871 young people in Korhogo and Bouaké with restitution sessions and peer-to-peer feedback on conflict prevention, civic responsibility, and citizenship.


Mozambique—Community Resilience Program (Tuko Pamoja)

The Mozambique Community Resilience Program, known locally as Tuko Pamoja, strengthened locally driven resilience to violent extremism in northern Mozambique.

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