Dominican Republic—Climate Change Adaptation

Client: Agence Française de Développement

Duration: 2020-2022

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Country: Dominican Republic

Solutions: Environment Climate

DAI developed a feasibility study and final designs for a climate change adaptation programme for the Yaque del Sur River Basin in the Dominican Republic. Intended to promote environmental and social resilience, the programme is based on an integrated water resource management system and an adaptive social protection mechanism.

Funded through Agence Française de Développement’s Adapt’Action Framework, the study informed a shared vision of the objectives of basin management and the actions necessary to manage the basin’s water resources in the face of climate breakdown—in accordance with the requirements of sustainable, economically viable, and socially equitable development.

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Sample Activities

  • Produce an in-depth characterization of the Yaque del Sur River Basin in terms of water resources, climate, environmental and social risks, and socio-economic and gender issues.
  • Prepare a disaster risk and climate change vulnerability assessment, analysing existing practices, disaster and resource management mechanisms, and social protection programmes that need to evolve or be modified.
  • Identify and prioritise strategies to reduce vulnerability and define a proposal for a programme of activities that will initiate the structuring of a Territorial Adaptation Plan for the basin in the face of climate change and disaster management, prioritising integrated water resources management and adaptive social protection.


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