Spring 2013 Developments is Available

March 26, 2013

The Spring 2013 issue of Developments is now available.

In the cover story, Sydney Zharare describes how we used a Making Markets Work for the Poor approach in Mozambique to broker a mutually profitable and hence sustainable partnership between a major poultry operation and struggling local farmers.

Feature articles include the following:

  • Heidi Silvey describes DAI’s role in bringing a development perspective to the Department of Defense’s strategic exercises regarding emerging, unconventional threats.
  • David Sardi writes of how civilians and military members are working together in West Africa to share information and increase security for citizens, especially those living in outlying areas.
  • Colleen Green of the IMARISHA project describes her team’s survey of HIV/AIDS-affected households in Tanzania and how it is shaping assistance provided by DAI and partner organizations to those households and communities.
  • Larry Campbell relates how DAI is teaming up with India-based eSeal to develop a mobile platform from which farmers and agribusinesses can obtain precious business information cheaply or for free.
  • DAI’s Jim Seyler celebrates the Rwandan national park project honored by British travel writers as the world’s best.
  • Elizabeth Drachman looks back on an enterprise strengthening project that reached more than 1 million Cambodians by tapping into that country’s existing know-how.

In the DAIdeas piece that accompanies every issue of Developments, Bill Grant and Zachary Kaplan explore Chevron’s new paradigm for corporate social involvement in the Niger Delta.

Finally, in the executive opinion section, Senior Vice President, International Julian Lob-Levyt reflects on the increasingly high expectations development organizations and donors must meet if they are to keep pace with the rapidly transforming development landscape.

Click here to view Developments on its new web and mobile platform and sign up here to receive the quarterly publication.



DAI Events Raise $5,700 for the Linda Norgrove Foundation

DAI hosted a number of fundraising events throughout September to raise $5,754 for the Linda Norgrove Foundation, which provides grants to organizations in Afghanistan that support health care and education for women and children.

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