DAI Names Jakob Zeidler to Lead EU Business Unit

April 20, 2020

DAI has named Jakob Zeidler to lead its European Union (EU) Business Unit, which focuses on delivering development programs for the EU.

Zeidler was previously Head of Implementation at Human Dynamics, the distinguished European development consultancy acquired last year by DAI. He was instrumental in leading Human Dynamics to its position as the single largest EuropeAid contractor. The integrated DAI and Human Dynamics team now implements a portfolio of more than 50 EU-funded projects in 75 countries.

hd team.jpgFrom left, Jakob Zeidler with EU Business Unit colleagues Eric Heldring and Hipolit Gabalda, and Executive Vice President Zan Northrip.

“Our partners around the world face enormous challenges—from climate change and sustainable energy to democratic governance, poverty reduction, and inclusive economic development,” said Zeidler. “And now they confront additional challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis. Alongside my colleagues in DAI Global Health and the rest of our unified global development company, I’m committed to mobilizing all our resources in a concerted recovery effort.”

As Vice President of the EU Business Unit, Zeidler will oversee roughly 100 staff in DAI’s corporate offices in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Serbia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

“DAI has always shared the EU’s vision for development, as embodied in the New Consensus and the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Zan Northrip, DAI Executive Vice President. “In combination with Human Dynamics, we have the scale and technical breadth to bring that vision to life, and in Jakob we have a leader whose hands-on approach, customer focus, and record of innovation will bring these global capabilities to bear.”

Zeidler joined the firm 13 years ago in a business development role. He rose steadily through the ranks, first as a project manager and project director, then moving up to become deputy and then sole head of the Implementation Department in 2015. In this position, he was part of a small core leadership team that had ultimate responsibility for corporate development, strategic business development, quality assurance, and project delivery.

Zeidler will continue to be based in Vienna, Austria.



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