April 07, 2016
DAI is pleased to have been selected to host a lab and stand at the annual European Development Days event in Brussels on June 15-16.
European Development Days (EDD16) is Europe’s leading forum on development and international cooperation. Organised by the European Commission, the forum brings together the development community to share ideas and experience, inspiring new partnerships, and innovative solutions to the world’s challenges. Each year the forum attracts more than 5,000 participants from more than 140 countries, representing 1,200 organisations from the development community.
EDD16 is the 10th edition of the forum and to celebrate, the event will focus on the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” making it one of the first conferences dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
DAI’s session will focus on people—specifically on how deliberately tacking gender inequality improves the human security of whole communities, driving results in security, justice, and reducing poverty.
Our session, “Gender Equality Gets Results,” explores how three DAI-led and U.K. Department for International Development (DFID)-funded programmes (ASJP, AAWAZ, and AWEF) address gender inequality as a goal and prerequisite to achieving the SDGs relating to poverty, security, and justice. We will hear the perspectives of young women and DAI national field staff and partners, using innovative and context-driven methods to achieve concrete results. We will give examples concerning rural women’s access to security and justice in Sierra Leone, countering gender-based violence and sectarianism in Pakistan and women’s economic empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa region. The lab takes place June 15 from 5:45 to 7pm.
Our stand in the EDD Village presents our work on the DFID Access to Security and Justice Programme (ASJP) in Sierra Leone. DAI Staff, project staff, and stakeholders will talk about how ASJP has helped the government and civil society work in partnership to bring much-needed reform and make sure that citizens know about their rights.
More information is available at www.eudevdays.eu. You can also follow @EuropeAid on Twitter (tweet with the #EDD16 hashtag). We will be tweeting at the event from @DAIGlobal.
DAI Board Member Marwan Juma will be leaving DAI’s Board next month at the end of his term and was bid a fond farewell at the November Board meeting.
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