Rachel Chang is a Digital Specialist for DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration in the cybersecurity and digital policy practice area. Rachel works with donor clients to integrate digital technology into development initiatives. Rachel contributes to research, analysis, and trainings and provides technical assistance for projects that strengthen digital ecosystems, cybersecurity for critical infrastructure, and cyber capacity building. Prior to joining DAI, she led projects at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems on digital media literacy in the Mekong region, cybersecurity support for elections institutions in the Indo-Pacific, and promoting the political participation of persons with disabilities to advocate for disability-inclusive policies and accessible technologies throughout Southeast Asia. Rachel has extensive experience working with a variety of donor clients including the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Department of State, the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Rachel is a certified user experience designer and has worked with clients including Safe Place International to transform an offline leadership curriculum supporting LGBTQIA+ refugees into a responsive online web application. At the U.S. Institute of Peace, Rachel supported programs on religion and peacebuilding in Ukraine, Iraq, and South Sudan, and inclusive peace processes in Colombia.
Larry Campbell has been at DAI for more than 16 years. He oversees the global IT department that supports offices in more than 50 countries.
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