Lauren Keller is a development professional with more than a decade of experience in natural resource management, climate change, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL). She has expertise in strategic project design and implementation to optimize impact, technical writing, facilitation, and adaptive management.

Prior to joining DAI, Lauren was a program manager at Winrock International where she oversaw donor-funded projects in natural resource management, climate change, biodiversity conservation, pollution, and water security. Proficient in French and Spanish, Lauren has worked in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Thailand, and Vietnam.



Serafina Buzby

Serafina Buzby is an international development specialist with more than a decade of experience in the design, implementation, and evaluation of projects to improve water and sanitation service delivery, public health, and social inclusion.

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