Arthur Carlson is an international development practitioner with 28 years of experience leading complex projects in emergency response, governance, refugee assistance, countering violent extremism, peacebuilding, and institutional system strengthening. Art currently manages a diverse portfolio of projects in the Caribbean and South America region, ensuring quality programming, contractual compliance, and effective lines of communication between DAI, project teams, and clients. He has extensive technical experience in conflict and post-conflict programming, infrastructure projects, emergency relief, refugee protection and resettlement, humanitarian aid, portfolio management, and operational planning.

Art brings vast experience in designing, implementing, and overseeing programs for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. State Department, the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and European Union. Prior to his current role, Art directed the creation of FHI 360’s fragile states initiative, which led to the launch of its crisis response department, as well as managing the operations for the company’s three-year strategic investment into the integrated development practice area.

Previously, Art served as a Chief of Party for two USAID projects in Thailand/Burma, serving conflict-affected populations, in addition to serving as a long-time regional and country director for the International Rescue Committee in five countries, covering governance, infrastructure, emergency assistance, livelihoods, education, local nongovernmental group development, and refugee protection programs. He has worked in Azerbaijan, Burma, Croatia, Ethiopia, Haiti, Liberia, Rwanda, the Philippines, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, the Philippines, and Thailand.



John Sampson

John Sampson has more than 17 years of experience leading complex, high-speed programs in conflict, post-conflict, and fragile environments, including stability and transition, countering violent extremism, governance, climate-related conflict, natural resource management, emergency assistance, crisis management, infrastructure, and civil-military coordination programs.

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