Worldwide—Advancing Capacity for the Environment (ACE)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2022-2027

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Environment Climate

The Advancing Capacity for the Environment (ACE) program facilitates the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s work to fight climate change, conserve biodiversity and manage natural resources, improve land governance, and expand access to secure, modern energy and resilient infrastructure. ACE strengthens capacities for technical leadership and effective programming through integrated support in four areas: communications, knowledge management, training, and organizational development.

The intensity and complexity of today’s environmental challenges—from climate change and ocean plastic pollution to natural resource degradation and biodiversity loss—threaten to reverse decades of progress in global development. To sustain improvements in human welfare, USAID is taking bold action to address these challenges through investments that cut across all technical sectors.

This requires a shift in Agency programming toward greater integration and collaboration, as well as enhanced policy guidance and thought leadership. ACE is designed to meet these needs through technical assistance to USAID’s Washington offices and field Missions to sustain and grow their capacities for communication, learning, and knowledge sharing.

By enhancing USAID’s effectiveness, the ACE program contributes to positive, sustainable development outcomes globally with a focus on Agency programs in the environment, energy, and infrastructure sectors.


Sample Activities

  • Support the planning, roll-out, and implementation of USAID’s new Climate Strategy globally.
  • Design and deliver the Practical, InnoVative, On the Job Training (PIVOT) change management program to advance private sector engagement in climate change action.
  • Manage and update USAID’s,,, and websites.
  • Design curriculum and multifaceted learning materials for different levels of learners.
  • Co-create a Knowledge Management Strategic Plan.
  • Create communications campaigns for USAID’s Save our Seas Initiative to advance policy objectives in marine protection.

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Paraguay—Technical Assistance for Institutional Strengthening of National Entities for Environmental and Forestry Governance

DAI provides technical assistance for Institutional Strengthening of National Entities for Environmental and Forestry Governance in Paraguay. This initiative aims to enhance sustainable forest management and promote a green and resilient economy.

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