Oman—In-Country Value Study

Client: Multinational corporation

Duration: 2019-2019

Region: Middle East and North Africa

Country: Oman

Solutions: Sustainable Business

In 2019 DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) conducted a five-month in-country value (ICV) assessment to inform an international oil and gas company’s early-stage planning for their proposed petrochemical plant in Oman. The analysis looked across the construction, operation, and the downstream sale of the plant’s products to provide the following results:

  • Direct, indirect, and induced ICV impact estimates;
  • Analysis of the project’s fiscal revenues;
  • Estimation of import substitution effect from the project within Oman
  • Identification of opportunities for the client to increase ICV in local supply chains associated with the project;
  • Identification of investment opportunities for external and public sector investors that would result in significant ICV creation; and
  • Assessment of ICV potential for contracting and procurement strategies being considered.

SBG used its Local Content Optimization Model (LCOM) and leveraged its Muscat corporate office, its established impact assessment experience, and its experience from other oil and gas downstream work around the world to conduct the study.



United Kingdom—Corporate Social Investment Strategy

DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was engaged by a leading U.K.-based retailer of premium foods to be an advisor to its Corporate Social Responsibility team and produce a refreshed strategy and impact measurement framework for its shared value social investment initiative for the company’s fresh produce sourcing in emerging markets.

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