Jean Gilson, Sarah Helmstadter Named to SID-Washington Leadership Posts

September 20, 2017

Jean Gilson, DAI’s Senior Vice President for Strategy and Information Technology, has been appointed to serve as the SID-International Governing Council Liaison to the Society for International Development, Washington, D.C. Chapter Board. Jean also currently serves on the Governing Council of SID-International.

In addition, DAI’s Managing Director for Africa, Sarah Helmstadter, has been elected as a Board Director at SID-Washington.

For SID-International, Jean is working to revitalize the relationship between SID chapters and the umbrella organization. As the liaison to the SID-Washington board, she aims to reaffirm the roles that the Washington, D.C., and other chapters can play as thought leaders and conveners in the global development arena.

For SID-Washington, Sarah expects to be active on the program committee.

SID-Washington is a forum for international development practitioners and organizations and a leading knowledge broker for ideas and best practices. Its work groups and presentations feature some of the world’s top thinkers across the spectrum of development issues, including food security and agriculture, women in development, and international health and nutrition.



DAI Re-Appraised at Maturity Level 3 by CMMI Institute

DAI is delighted to announce that an internal unit has been appraised again at CMMI Maturity Level 3, after achieving the same appraisal in 2019.

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