DAI’s Bobby Jefferson Elected to Another Term on SID-Washington Board of Directors

August 09, 2021

We are delighted to announce that Bobby Jefferson—Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for DAI Global Health—has been elected to the Society for International Development-Washington, D.C. Chapter (SID-W) Board of Directors. Jefferson first joined the Board last year.

Jefferson’s newly elected fellow At-Large Directors are Michèle Laird, Vice President, Asia, Middle East and North Africa Region, Abt Associates; Sylvia Megret, President and Chief Operating Officer, ACDI/VOCA; and Katherine Stroker, General Counsel, FHI360. Their terms begin in September 2021.

Bobby Jefferson

Jefferson sits on the Steering Committee for DAI’s Racial and Social Justice Initiative and in his first year on the SID-W Board he has focused on guiding the Chapter’s strategic thinking on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“I am truly honored to continue serving on the Board and to extend DAI’s long tradition of commitment to SID-Washington,” said Jefferson. “It is gratifying to be recognized by members and colleagues from across the community, and on their behalf I hope I can bring some of my personal insights to the organization as we chart the journey to be more inclusive and more cognizant of racial and other equity issues relevant to the development enterprise.”

SID-Washington is a forum for international development practitioners and organizations and a leading knowledge broker for ideas and best practices. Its workgroups and presentations feature some of the world’s top thinkers across the spectrum of development issues.



DAI Global Health Speaks at Health Systems Research Symposium

Last week, several members of the DAI Global Health team were panelists, hosted skills-building sessions, presented posters, and co-hosted a reception with affiliate IntraHealth International at the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool, United Kingdom.

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