June 20, 2023
DAI today published its Sustainability Report 2022, where we highlight some of the impact we have achieved in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while at the same time laying out how we ensure that DAI operates as a sustainable organization.
“A sustainable business is a business whose operating standards and principles are conducive to the ‘more livable world’ we aspire to in our tagline,” writes President and CEO Jim Boomgard in his preface to the Report, “a company that protects the natural environment and seeks to mitigate climate change, respects and rewards its workforce, rejects discrimination, sees diversity as a strength, and upholds the highest ethical standards.”
The first half of the Report details the steps DAI is taking in the environmental, social, and governance domains to build on its long-standing commitment to operate as a responsible business.
As a purpose-led, performance-driven development impact company, adhering to the standards of a responsible business helps keep us true to the aspirations of our employee owners and to our vision of a more livable world—a world in which communities and societies become more prosperous, fairer and better governed, safer, healthier, and environmentally more sustainable.
In the second and concluding part of this Report, organized by reference to the SDGs, we show how we are realizing this vision by advancing our clients’ development objectives on projects around the world. We are proud to have made contributions across all but one of the 17 SDGs in 2022.
DAI is delighted to announce the winners of this year’s David H. Gunning Award for Community Service. They are Joanne Symons, who works on the Strengthening Democratic Governance and Accountability Project in Sri Lanka, and Najalynn Caraway, an administrator with DAI affiliate IntraHealth International, based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but pursuing her community service through a nonprofit in the Philippines.
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