
Improved management of natural resources and important ecosystem services not only supports economic growth and strengthens resilience to climate change but also can provide the foundation for sustainable development.

Sustainable Livelihoods

Environmental protection is no longer the exclusive domain of the public and nonprofit sectors. Operating on behalf of clients in developing countries throughout the globe, we are transforming former hindrances to growth into vehicles for sustainable development. Just as social entrepreneurs are flourishing in the developed world, we are building the capacity of developing-world businessmen and women to adopt triple-bottom-line business models that blend environmental, social, and economic returns.

We help local stakeholders and businesses to devise and carry out innovative solutions using market-based approaches that generate business and livelihood opportunities based on sound environmental stewardship. Working in targeted ecosystems, our specialists help local stakeholders and businesses improve their knowledge of market opportunities and options, market requirements, and the value of products and services they can deliver that are linked to sound environmental management. DAI can help local communities and entrepreneurs access the financing, market information, and technical support required to develop successful businesses based on local products such as honey, resins, and ecotourism, all the while providing strong incentives to preserve important ecosystems.

Our Experts

Michelle Morgan is accountable for the overall performance of the U.S. Government Programs division. A five-time Chief of Party who brings to the job decades of project implementation, corporate oversight, and team leadership experience, she is responsible for effective project management and outstanding development outcomes.

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Our Projects

South Sudan—Resilience through Agriculture in South Sudan (RASS) Activity

The Resilience through Agriculture in South Sudan (RASS) Activity improves food security and community household recovery and resilience in 13 target counties in South Sudan, reducing their long-term reliance on humanitarian assistance.

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Haiti—Feed the Future Resilience and Agriculture Sector Advancement (HRASA) Activity

The Haiti Resilience and Agriculture Sector Advancement Activity improves the efficiency and effectiveness of existing market system actors; stimulates and expands private sector engagement and investment in agricultural market systems; and strengthens the capacity of subsistence farming households to participate in opportunities.

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DAI’s Employee Ownership Initiative Wins Prestigious Award

DAI was yesterday named an award winner at the 17th annual conference of the Global Equity Organization (GEO), a professional membership organization dedicated to advancing understanding of employee share plans. DAI won in a new award category, Best Use of a Share Plan in a Private Company.

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