Worldwide—Trade, Private Sector Development, and Engagement (TPSD/E) Facility, I and II

Client: European Union

Duration: 2017-2025

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Economic Growth

Trade and private sector engagement are recognized as key drivers for poverty reduction through their capability to spur growth and investment, create good-quality jobs, and generate tax revenues to fund public services. However, experience shows that improved market access alone is not always sufficient for sustained economic development. Access often needs to be complemented by policy measures that support lasting and equitable prosperity.

The Trade, Private Sector Development, and Engagement (TPSD/E) Facility I was established to support the implementation of the European Union (EU)’s 2014 Private Sector Communication, and to shape and implement new policy orientations, in particular geared toward the EU’s External Investment Plan (EIP). With the TPSD/E I Facility, DAI provided technical expertise to EU staff working on private sector and trade in Brussels and worldwide, created and shared knowledge inside the institution, and supported the visibility of the Directorate-General for International Partnerships.

TPSD/E II consolidates and expands upon the gains made in building the capacity and knowledge of EU institutions to deliver results during the previous phase. Our team of experts delivers technical assistance, capacity building and communications, and visibility in: women’s economic empowerment; green economy; digitalisation; sustainable value chains and investment; trade; access to finance and investment facilitation; public-private dialogue and business environment reform; and skills development vocational training.

Considering the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus pandemic that started in 2020, TPSD/E II engages with the EU at headquarters and EU Delegations globally, supporting a comprehensive response strategy to the crisis with an emphasis on economic and social resilience.

Sample Activities

  • Provide technical advice and support to EU staff to analyse, design, and implement EU interventions.
  • Support EU delegations and headquarters to facilitate public-private dialogue and policy dialogues.
  • Manage and facilitate knowledge sharing networks on TPSD/E II.
  • Gather EU and EU Member States knowledge and experiences, and support peer learning and coordination.
  • Develop and update guidance material.
  • Design and conduct training, seminars, workshops, and webinars in Brussels and on the ground.
  • Promote, disseminate, and showcase TPSD/E II interventions through the preparation of communication materials.

Select Results, Phase I

  • Developed the Business Environment Reform Guidelines.
  • Organised more than 50 in-country short-term assignments for EU delegations on the investment climate and the identification of potential investment opportunities.
  • Conducted mappings of EU investment in Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
  • Conducted an annual survey of the state of the structured dialogue with the private sector in Sub-Saharan Africa (SB4A State of Play).
  • Provided regular training on the private sector and trade and the EIP through classroom, remote, or recorded training sessions.
  • Developed the EIP in Practice e-learning modules.

Select Results, Phase II

  • Contributed to the launch of the Team Europe Investing in Young Businesses in Africa.
  • Conducted a field mission in Mali providing guidance on how to improve public-private dialogue in a politically unstable context.
  • Designed and conducted an online survey to better understand EU delegations’ needs for capacity building and technical assistance.
  • Delivered a masterclass on ‘Raw Materials’ for EU staff.
  • Facilitated annual seminar for EU staff on sustainable value chains, raw materials, and social economy.

Video highlighting EU efforts to increase private investment in energy projects in the DRC.



Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan—Enterprise and Innovation Programme (EIP)

The Enterprise and Innovation Programme increased innovation and growth in startups and small firms and provided support and training through the establishment of business innovation centres in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

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