Worldwide—Public Procurement Initiative

Client: European Union

Duration: 2015-2019

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Economic Growth

DAI and lead partner Everis carried out studies on government procurement in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Thailand. We were supported throughout this work by sector and market leaders and employed a large pool of short-term experts—international and local—to collect and process the relevant data in each partner country.

Sample Activities

  • Develop a methodology for collecting data.
  • Analyse public procurement data and legislation and their effects on trade flows, gross domestic product, and related policy—among other effects.

Select Results

  • Developed a methodology for quantifying public procurement flows.
  • Built a database and series of country studies.


Lebanon—Technical Assistance Facility for the Private Sector

The Technical Assistance Facility contributed to the expansion and diversification of Lebanon’s economy through the modernization of the private sector and the promotion of trade, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

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