USAID Jordan Fiscal Reform Project Produces Video on New Budgeting Tool

June 02, 2015

As part of the Government of Jordan’s 2025 economic vision of fiscal reforms, it is adopting a General Financial Management Information System (GFMIS) to help it ensure consistent accounting of public funds. GFMIS is being implemented with the support of the Jordan Fiscal Reform Bridge Activity, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance.

The GFMIS should improve the quality of financial reports submitted by the public sector and ensure a unified message across all the relevant departments in the Ministry of Finance tasked with different activities throughout the resource allocation and reporting cycles.

The following video was made to explain the new system to the public:

“GFMIS is the most appropriate platform for implementing the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and the right database for the government’s budget-related planning,” said Ammar Jarrar, Chief of Party of the Fiscal Reform Project. “Promoting public financial management in Jordan remains among the project’s top priorities.”



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DAI, one of the world’s leading development consulting firms, today announced the appointment of Gavin Wilson as Chief Executive Officer of DAI Capital, its investment banking and asset management arm.

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