March 09, 2015
The Spring 2015 issue of DAI’s Developments online newsletter is now available.
Leading off, Simone Anzboeck and Inez Couzinet describe how banks in Poland are issuing high-quality loans so small and medium-sized enterprises can invest in more efficient energy systems. The Poland Sustainable Energy Finance Facility has financed more than 2,000 projects worth a total of €185 million.
Next up, Jessica Heinzelman describes how SMS messaging on mobile phones is nurturing mutually profitable relationships between Afghan farmers and wholesalers of farm products. Under this initiative of the Incentives Driving Economic Alternatives for the North, East, and West (IDEA-NEW) program, wholesalers have increased sales of agricultural inputs by 8 to 15 percent while helping farmers protect their crops, boost productivity, and make more money.
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A 2019 recipient of DAI’s community service award is helping marginalized people in the Philippines become more self-sufficient.
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