October 11, 2012
Job losses during the worldwide economic slump continue to bedevil policy makers everywhere. Dismal employment prospects, especially for young people, have exacerbated social conflicts. In emerging economies, the global crisis has further complicated the challenge of integrating the informal sector.
The magnitude of the employment challenge is enormous. In the Middle East and North Africa alone, anywhere from 55 to 85 million jobs are needed to employ youth. The economic, social, and political costs of inaction are staggering.
Tackling these challenges requires new thinking—and the latest issue of DAI’s journal Developing Alternatives, titled [The Jobs Challenge](/uploads/jobs-challenge.pdf, sets out to provide that fresh perspective.
“We no longer live in a world where simple approaches yield simple solutions. It is high time to change the way we think about employment,” write editors Ulrich Ernst and Lara Goldmark in their introduction to the volume. “The current global crisis may offer an opportunity to do just that—by providing a sense of urgency, highlighting the limitations of traditional policy instruments, and calling for creative new approaches.”
In the issue:
The Jobs Challenge will be formally launched on October 22 as part of a workforce development event at the Society for International Development office in Washington, D.C. Speakers include George Laudato, former Director of USAID’s Middle East Bureau (who served as a guest reviewer for the journal); Lara Goldmark and Bryanna Millis of DAI; Kathleen Beegle, Deputy Director of the World Development Report at the World Bank Group; and Branka Minic, Senior Director of Global Corporate & Government Affairs at Manpower Inc.
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DAI is delighted to make its latest Communication on Progress to the United Nations Global Compact.
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